And what a beautiful film it is -- an incomparably gorgeous and gauzy masterpiece. I didn't actually watch it all the way through just now. I played about two-thirds of it (the latter half) on silent. But that was enough to do it. LIT worked its magic on me all over again. I might have begun to doub...
Some great stuff in here! Thanks!! And if you can -- keep it going!!! This is a brilliant article on LIT, written by Wendy Haslem in 2004: From there, there's something I'd like to add here: Lost in Translation begins explicitl...
Oh, it's back, Bob, it's back! I'm breaking my self-imposed rule about not posting in this section till the next chapter is up. There's a new discovery I am just adding to "Main Titles" ... Always more to learn! Remember, people: post in the existing threads all you like!
Since my Chapter By Chapter discussion project is dragging on and on and on, you're well in time to catch the majority of upcoming chapters -- as well as being able to comment on any that currently exist, of course. Just a quick plug. :lol: Welcome to the board. And get a new girlfriend. OK, I'm jok...
Nathan, this is going to sound so arrogant and false, but ... Your wish is my command! Yeah, very rich -- since I haven't done anything on this in over a year. A YEAR!! The whole thing was meant to be finished by now. *sigh* Since the Blu-ray has come out, I think it might inspire some fresh discuss...
YEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS !!! At long, long last !!! I second the desire to see improved picture quality, too. The HD-DVD transfer was incredibly disappointing (in parts, the image is so soft that it offers no discernible improvement over the 480p DVD transfer). Hopefully, they'll throw in some new extras, ...
He got one thing completely wrong. Charlotte was completely angry with Bob after she found out he slept with the lounge singer. It was so evident in her stare at him and her remarks to him which were cutting and cruel. Another thing he got wrong, was that Kelly was so into John. He got it the wrong...
I have this book and intend to post a review of it. Of course, I also intend to finish the "Chapter By Chapter" threads, so don't put too much stock in that.
Wim Wenders! I will have to give this a watch! Good on you for mentioning "Until The End Of The World", by the way: after our beloved "Lost In Translation", I'd have to say that the soundtrack to that film is one of the best of the past twenty years. It has a superb selection of mood tunes by top co...
As soon as I can rise above the poverty line, I'll happily plunk down the £12 to get this book. In the meantime, I hope someone else buys it and lets us all know. Actually, no, selfishly-speaking, I don't: I want to be the first! Seriously, it would be nice if the book found its way into the hands o...
Whew! Thank you for the responses, guys. I'm a little dismayed more haven't got stuck into the extant chapters since I last posted. On the other hand, I guess there are more reading and not saying anything. I suppose this thing has a little fan base, and one should take what they can get ! ! The ann...
OK, we're back! Somehow, September-the-20-something merged into October-the-20-something, but Chapter 4 is finally up! I don't want to make any promises about Chapter 5. I kept putting off Chapter 4 because I had a writer's block -- and, well, it intimidated me. However, I can't imagine Chapter 5 be...
Quick thing about Bob's experience with the too-low shower head that I don't think I've seen anyone mention in this forum. I believe--though am not one hundred percent certain--that there is at least a type of shower common in Japan in which the bather is intended to sit down on a little stool in t...
Thanks for the support, hannidan. 8) There is a low response to this thing, in terms of numbers, which is disappointing. On the other hand, those that do respond are full of enthusiasm and good insights. In light of the small response that the CBC discussions *are* getting, as well as very generous ...