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That Feeling

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 10:39 am
by You Make it Easy
Hello Everyone! I got that feeling we all had when we first saw the movie or the first couple of times. I hadnt watched the film for about 9 months and I stopped coming to this site because got a fulltime job. Out of the blue I decided to watch LIT. I found myself sitting there feeling like I hadnt seen this movie, but knew it was going to be great. Has the final scene comes up I start to feel that feeling. That feeling we all felt. It was a great feeling that came over me and I feel like a million dollars. I found myself not wanting the movie to end, being submersed into the world that LIT brings to us. Anyhow I decided to pop in and tell ya'll what LIT did to me(again). Bye!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:29 pm
by Guest
That's wonderful! Welcome to stop by anytime!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 4:34 pm
by Hugsy
I find it so funny and more than this, very speaking for the greatness of the Movie, that years after his appearence People still are enlightend by it and talk themselfs out in INternet Forums :D

I just watched the Film yesterday again and in some way it becomes more and more a part of my weekly (or daily?) lifestyle ^^

I would say that LiT is some part of Lifestyle

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:44 pm
by Barmydreams
I only saw this film for the first time 3 weeks ago; i went out and bought it the next day. I have never seen a film that has had such an impact on me, ive watched it 4 times already(again, last night).

There are so many moments that just overwhelm me with a warm, fuzzy feeling, as well as total laugh out scenes with Bill; i've loved the guy since i was a kid. Scarlett is new to me, but im totally looking out for her films now.

Top 5 of my favourite films without a shadow of a doubt! :D

Frikken brilliant soundtrack too, and i now wanna go to Tokyo! lol

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:18 am
by Flyonthewall
Saw it for the first time about 2 months ago. Ive been watching it on and off since then.

Ive never seen any other movie where the scenes that don't even have dialogue... scenes where we just have the actors showing expressions, moments alone... were so brilliantly made. The gamut of emotions this movie made you feel was astounding. Scarlett Johansson portrayed Charlotte perfectly and made me want to take care of her.

Plus, it made you think about all of the little connections we make daily, how each one of them can be an opportunity to be "found". Im sure a few of us... or I should say a lot of us... even relate to Bob's situation, which made this movie relate to you more deeply.

Definitely tops in my book. :wink: