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Okay...So this may sound very odd.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:40 am
by Kayin Kincaide
I literally watch Lost in Translation over and over...and i don't get tired of it. I love the bed scene in which Bob says
The more you know
who you are,
and what you want,
the less you let...
things upset you.
And i am just not sure how to describe my overall feelings to this quote...i find truth in it. But at the same time i find myself feeling lost. And i understand that my life experience has something to do with my interpretation of this scene...It just grabs me every time, and brings this sense of familiarity. As if to say... there you are, I've been looking for you.

I often wonder if this film was made to wake us up...i look at it as a whole and ask myself;

Do i know what i want?

What am i supposed to be? ... PL&index=9

I love this movie, and i just wanted to express how much it has impacted me... And i know it may sound odd but this movie changes my life every time i watch it.

Has it affected anyone else?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:07 pm
by TokyoGirl
I agree with you so I don't think it sounds odd. I never tire of LiT.

I wish I could find truth in Bob's quote because at the moment I don't, I still feel lost and unsure of "what I'm supposed to be".

Oh and thanks for that link, I think that is a really nice trailer... it does portray the film more realistically.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:35 am
by joshua_az
This is one of my favorite quotes from LIT. Whenever people around me are making me tense, I always think of this. Simply beautiful.....and TRUE!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 2:19 am
by Bob_san
I think one of the cool things about this film is that it relates two different life experiences and times together and which one you may most understand and identify with is the one to which you are closest. So if you are closer to Charlotte's age then you may look at Bob's perspective and not completely understand it. But once you are well on the way to Bob's side of the journey then you have traversed both and then your whole perspective of it is different.