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Totally lost in translation...

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:20 pm
by Autumn Child
Im 16/m/uk and i had to find a LIT forum because i truly love it :D

its like something reaches inside me a stirs something when i watch it or even think about it. i have honestly watched it over 27 times :)

does it annoy you when people say it was slow and pointless?
i think theyve completely missed the point :)

im also borderline in love with Girl With a Pearl Earring, th ebook more so than the film, though i have watched that about 5 times :)

so hey, thanks for having me :)

the character limit for sigs is like way too small so you cant put an image as well as writing...

just a few things i was gonna say in my sig-

not to advertise or anything but if you fancy a chat about LIT or any other great films, books or music or just want to chat about nothing much, you can find me at my forum at

im called kamì there, and other places like Amazon or im either Autumn Child or fieldsofbalamb

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:42 pm
by preciouswhile
Welcome aboard.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:40 am
by Autumn Child
how come the image in my sig wont display, since it works on my, and other, phpBB forums?


Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:31 am
by Congruous
I read "Girl With a Pearl Earring," but skipped the movie because the book was just so quietly intense. I kept feeling like the Vermeers were teetering on the edge of disaster. It was like the family moved, or wished to move, at one speed and Johannes moved at another. Yet they stayed a family. This factor created a tension that was almost unbearable, and much of that tension got projected on to Griet.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:56 am
by Autumn Child
Congruous wrote:I read "Girl With a Pearl Earring," but skipped the movie because the book was just so quietly intense. I kept feeling like the Vermeers were teetering on the edge of disaster. It was like the family moved, or wished to move, at one speed and Johannes moved at another. Yet they stayed a family. This factor created a tension that was almost unbearable, and much of that tension got projected on to Griet.

I found the book a lot more atmospheric than the film, and that reading the book enhanced the film in that it filled in all the things that weren't said in the film, and i could watch it more from Griet's point of view, which for me allowed the painting to be brought alive much more. Like when she's thinking "you've ruined me", I can see the despiration in her eyes, but i can also see the longing look that fits more with how she feels in the earlier part of the book :)

but then i think that maybe not seeing it from her point of view worked well in the film because then a great deal of tension was created with just a look or a silence :P

i hope that all made sense, im not that good at explaining what it is about great films/books that make me love them ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:23 pm
by The Shoegazer
No film will EVER be better than the book. Its just the unwritten rule. Te director of G w/ A pearl earring tried his/her best and I think did a great job but there is so much stuff that just cant be put on the screen. I also recently watched Love Song for Bobby Long and I must admit, it was better then I expected.

Re: Totally lost in translation...

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:41 am
by Sausilito
Autumn Child wrote:fieldsofbalamb
is that a Final Fantasy reference (Balamb Gardens)? or am i just embarassing myself right now...?

Re: Totally lost in translation...

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 6:01 am
by Autumn Child
Sausilito wrote:
Autumn Child wrote:fieldsofbalamb
is that a Final Fantasy reference (Balamb Gardens)? or am i just embarassing myself right now...?

you're my new favourite person :)

i used to be really into ff8, it was like my whole life :D
i never play computer games anymore but i still hold memories of it close to my heart... (even tho i was crap and didnt complete it :D)

for me it was the only truly great game (i never got into ff7 or any of the others as much)

it was like reading an amazing book or watching a beautiful film, and i got the same love/feeling from it than i do from Lost in Translation or good book :D

its like somebody reaches inside me and stirs up some deep pool of emotion. I get the same when i litsten to The Light by David Gray
*phew* im getting it now just thinking about the game.

did you used to play it?

(that sounded wierd, didnt it ?....)

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:14 pm
by Sausilito
the best Final Fantasy is actually Final Fantasy III (with Terra, Saban, etc.); it is Final Fantasy VI in the U.S. i believe (it is on Super Ninento; i suggest, if u don't have SNES, to download the emulator and the game online). The gameplay and especially the story were just incredible (and for these games, graphics are good, but are secondary to these two main things), and this game's music is the best of the FF (interestingly, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra did a special series of performances playing only FF music; the games' compoer, Nobuo Uematsu, is quite well known is some circles)

Personally i think after Final Fantasy VII (the last great FF, and my second favorite), those two parts (i.e. gameplay and storyline) have gone downhill. Square started focusing more on graphics and dazzling vissual effects (it would take like 5 min. to cast a spell from the Playstation FFs onwards, which got annoying) The one exception is FFX, but that was only OK, in my opinion.

Btw, most of the gamers i know agree that FF8 is the worst FF, because it is a departure from the more 'traditional' gameplay (for the worse). But i am interested, what about it makes it a great game to you?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:58 pm
by WhoFeelsLove
well it's good to know i'm not the only final fantasy nerd on the board.

haven't played in years, but i am gonna buy 12 when it comes out.

my favorite was 8, though.

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:31 pm
by Autumn Child
WhoFeelsLove wrote: my favorite was 8, though.
ah, another enlightened one :wink:

there seems to be a solid army of people out there on the internet who share a collective love for final fantasy 8 and think it was the best :D
you should visit the many rinoa and squall shrines ;)

i'll admit that most people ive actually talked to (not on the net) seem to prefer vii and dont rate viii very highly, but thats their loss ;)

for me, ffviii is totally captivating, and beautiful. It's like a great book and film that grabs you by the heart and drags you into its world and makes you fall in love with the characters and everything else about it :D:D Its got this invisible hold on me that even after like a year of not playing any computer game, i cant shake off. I'm just in love with it. I think the music is beautiful, the story is touching, emotional and involving, just everything was magical and great (apart from, maybe, the junctioning system).

i did quite like X, but i was dissapointed with the linear feel and i felt that in moving consoles (ffx is the only reason i got a ps2 btw :P ) it lost something, something special and magical that makes final fantasy what it is for me.

and couldnt get into the earlier ones at all, which i bought, but maybe that was because i was already used to the more complex and graphically shophisticated ones...

is there something about final fantasy fans that make them love Lost in Translation as well? Maybe we just appreciate truly great games and films ;) :P

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:36 pm
by WhoFeelsLove
Autumn Child wrote:
WhoFeelsLove wrote: my favorite was 8, though.
ah, another enlightened one :wink:

there seems to be a solid army of people out there on the internet who share a collective love for final fantasy 8 and think it was the best :D
you should visit the many rinoa and squall shrines ;)

i'll admit that most people ive actually talked to (not on the net) seem to prefer vii and dont rate viii very highly, but thats their loss ;)

for me, ffviii is totally captivating, and beautiful. It's like a great book and film that grabs you by the heart and drags you into its world and makes you fall in love with the characters and everything else about it :D:D Its got this invisible hold on me that even after like a year of not playing any computer game, i cant shake off. I'm just in love with it. I think the music is beautiful, the story is touching, emotional and involving, just everything was magical and great (apart from, maybe, the junctioning system).

i did quite like X, but i was dissapointed with the linear feel and i felt that in moving consoles (ffx is the only reason i got a ps2 btw :P ) it lost something, something special and magical that makes final fantasy what it is for me.

and couldnt get into the earlier ones at all, which i bought, but maybe that was because i was already used to the more complex and graphically shophisticated ones...

is there something about final fantasy fans that make them love Lost in Translation as well? Maybe we just appreciate truly great games and films ;) :P
Yeah, 8 was epic! You described it perfectly, in my opinion. I haven't played it since like, the 8th grade (i'm a a freshman in college, now), but I still love it.. the music is amazing, the cut scenes were incredible as well for the time. they still hold up today, if you ask me.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:49 pm
by Sausilito
WhoFeelsLove wrote:the music is amazing, the cut scenes were incredible as well for the time. they still hold up today, if you ask me.
i'll admit the graphics on 8 were ahead of its time, but for me, graphics are not really that important in FF. When i rate a FF game i look at gameplay and storyline; graphics are really just a bonus. I think I'm what u would call an "alternative gamer" i have very different tastes than most people - i've got a Japanese PS2, a Gamecube with a button on the back so when u press it it can play Japanese games, and when u unpress it, american games. Games like Halo or Grand Theft Auto are fun, but i'd rather play a classic FF. Plus, i've got some crazy japanese games that would only be popular in Japan...

I HIGHLY recommend FF6; you want to talk about games ahead of its time...this game was for SNES, and it is so big that

the entire world gets destroyed and rebuilt again (i.e. there are basically TWO world maps, which is incredible) In each world there are different villians and the towns look different; there's even another whole soundtrack (i.e. most of the music from the first world plays is not in the second world; even the world map music is different). now THIS game was epic...and remember back then in the mid 90s during the Cartridge Age, something this big was just unimaginable. *******END*****

plus, the music from this game, was in my opinion, the best.

I've also played FFI and II, which are good, but not as good as III (remember, III in Japan equals FFVI in the U.S...i dunno why exactly) but what is cool about the first ones is that there is this whole "job" system - like each character has different characteristics - one can only cast white magic, another black, another may be a bruiser, etc...this is still in place in the newer FFs, for example Rinoa is stronger at casting spells than Squall, for example, but this is where it originiated)

But back to FF8 for a second...for those that like it, have u played the older, "Traditional" FFs? Ppl that i know who don't like FF8 usually are the ones who like the traditional FFs (they HATE the whole system of drawing magic from enemies, myself included). And if u haven't played them, i'm interested to know if u'd actually like the old system of magic.

But please play FFVI for SNES (or download the emulator and play), u don't know what ur missing if u haven't

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:38 pm
by Autumn Child
I bought FF Anthology which had some of the old ones on and i think i bought some other ones too...not VI though

i remember something about a pirate ship and a woman in disguise called Farris i think lol i really just couldnt get into them, and i wasnt keen on the job system...

i quite liked drawing magic from enemies, i much prefered it to the whole gem thing in 9 and the sphere grid in 10.

i cant really explain my love for ffviii anymore than i did in my previous post.

anyway, im really glad somebody shares exactly the same feelings about the game as i do (i though maybe i was just being really wierd (ive never said any of this out loud cos it sounded stupid :) ) )

so thingymajig (the name escapes me, is it whofeelslove? lol), is it the same kind of feeling you get from Lost in Translation that you do from ff8?


Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 8:42 pm
by Autumn Child
WhoFeelsLove wrote:[
Yeah, 8 was epic! ... the music is amazing, the cut scenes were incredible as well for the time. they still hold up today, if you ask me.

yup, thats exactly how i feel :D

unfortunatly, the only people i know (offline lol) who are into final fantasy are really annoying and incredibly geeky, going on about all the precise details of junctioning and stuff and acting as if there like gods gift to gaming ;)

i sometimes just watch the opening secuence to relive the feeling, just as i often watch the kareoke scene in lost in translation :D

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:26 pm
by Guest
Moved to the lounge . . . :idea:

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 7:46 pm
by Sausilito
let me just say, that i DO respect ur opinion, even though i don't agree with it, about 8. Not everyone is sophisticated (i dunno how to say it...unfortunately this sounds a little elitist) to appreciate FFs (most gamers want glorious graphics and blood and guts and etc. -- look at the popular games: Halo, Grand Theft Auto, etc. - and don't have the patience for FF)

I think it's interested that the style of FF (i.e. traditional vs. "new") that you like is the one u are first introduced to. I was first introduced to the older, traditional ones and i like those but not th enew kind; u guys were introduced to the newer kinds and don't like the old...anyways, in any case, i'm glad that there are still ppl that appreciate FFs, whether it be 1, 6, or 8. The guys at Square/Enix know what they're doing

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:22 am
by Autumn Child
Sausilito wrote:let me just say, that i DO respect ur opinion
i didnt that you didnt :P
Sausilito wrote: Not everyone is sophisticated (i dunno how to say it...unfortunately this sounds a little elitist) to appreciate FFs (most gamers want glorious graphics and blood and guts and etc. -- look at the popular games: Halo, Grand Theft Auto, etc. - and don't have the patience for FF)
i know what you mean, i feel the same, but about films more than anything. its all like "wow that film was amazing, there was a huge fight in it", and then they dont seem to appreciate a really great film like LIT :)
Sausilito wrote:I think it's interested that the style of FF (i.e. traditional vs. "new") that you like is the one u are first introduced to. I was first introduced to the older, traditional ones and i like those but not th enew kind; u guys were introduced to the newer kinds and don't like the old...anyways, in any case, i'm glad that there are still ppl that appreciate FFs, whether it be 1, 6, or 8. The guys at Square/Enix know what they're doing
yeh, i didnt really play games or read magazines until i got ff8, and the intro just grabbed me and sucked me in :D i think when i played some of the others i was hoping for something similar to 8 so couldnt enjoy the other things about them that may be really good.

i used to have a line in my sig on a forum that said-

"did i ever tell you the story of how final fantasy 8 changed my life..."


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:58 pm
by ForRelaxingTimes
I don't understand why people don't like Final Fantasy 8, it's a great game, though it is rather different from the others; I guess some people don't like change :? . I liked them all but I thought Final Fantasy 9 wasn't all that great, I just felt like the storyline was really improvised, but still a good game none the less... Now back to Final Fantasy 8; In a way, this game gave me somewhat the same feeling as LIT did, a gut renching feeling... I believe it may be because FF8 had a more realistic character line, and story setting as strange as that sounds...also Rinoah and Squall, in a way have the same kind of special "connection" Bob and Charlotte had. But if you get into the details then it really isn't all that similar age, etc.. I know where Autumn Child is coming from, and when he brought up the final fantasy it made me ponder of how that feeling was in some ways similar to LIT... but just my two cents :D

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:13 am
by Autumn Child
ForRelaxingTimes wrote:I don't understand why people don't like Final Fantasy 8, it's a great game, though it is rather different from the others; I guess some people don't like change :? . I liked them all but I thought Final Fantasy 9 wasn't all that great, I just felt like the storyline was really improvised, but still a good game none the less... Now back to Final Fantasy 8; In a way, this game gave me somewhat the same feeling as LIT did, a gut renching feeling... I believe it may be because FF8 had a more realistic character line, and story setting as strange as that sounds...also Rinoah and Squall, in a way have the same kind of special "connection" Bob and Charlotte had. But if you get into the details then it really isn't all that similar age, etc.. I know where Autumn Child is coming from, and when he brought up the final fantasy it made me ponder of how that feeling was in some ways similar to LIT... but just my two cents :D

yeh, if someone asked me to tell them what 9 was about, id be a bit stuck... the plot never seemed to be going anywhere, stuff just kinda happened...

i loved the squall and rinoa thing. It was so romantic... i liked it in the Ragnarok when Eyes on Me comes on :)

i wish final fantasy 8 was done as a film, similar to the ff7 advent children follow up thing...