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The LIT effect

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:50 pm
by samwright8380
First of all thanks to Bob for my Japanese surfer update.... much appreciated!!!!!
I think that this movie has been responsible for a significant change in my life. As a child I always had a desire to travel, particularly to Asia ;(my mother lived in Rappongi for a while and travelled all over SE Asia in her youth and would frequently relay tales of her Rollerskating across Tokyo) however just over 18 months ago although I still held a little of the desire, I had started to become a little set in my ways and the idea of travelling to such far off places seemed a little implausible.
I was in a stable job in the British Army and although I would make an annual trip to Morrocco from Gibraltar, it was organised through work and had become a little routine. I was a fan of the virgin suicides when it was released and read the book, so I was intrigued when reading a magazine on a sunlounger in Marrakech by an article on Coppola´s new film set in Tokyo.
As the cinema facilities in Southern Spain aren´t that great I didn´t see it untill buying it on DVD, and I think one of the effects it has had on me was to re awaken my awareness of the asthetic beauty in everyday life. I love the pale tones and the subtle nature of the film. Certainly when I decided to go I loved the feeling of being isolated from my western culture and being placed in something so different as to be completely new, in fact to visit Japan almost seems like a rebirth of sorts, as if you´ve escaped the mundane if only because even the mundane there is so different.
Since then I´ve also travelled through Thailand, Tibet, Malaysia and Singapore so it´s definitely infected me with the travel bug and as I´ve mentioned on the site before, I´m planning on trying to live in Japan for a while, so lots of sacrifices in saving and extra work, but then again I´d rather forego a few small comforts for something truely memorable.
It´s unfortunate I didn´t find this site untill after I´d just returned from my visit there, if only because I would have robbed all the coasters from the Hyatt sold them to you guys and made a killing (I never said I was a good Japanese surfer :twisted: ).Anyway it would be interesting to hear of any changes the film has made to peoples lives, as I know it has mine.....

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:18 am
by Congruous
I can't be very specific, but I will say that I think it has made me happier and opened me up emotionally. Somehow it made me feel that there were more possibilities out there for me.

It has not made me want to go to Japan, even though the images in the movie were beautiful and unusual.