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Forum Guidelines and Notes about this site.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 11:30 am
by Guest
Hi! Welcome to the new Lost In Translation Forum!

Here are some guidelines as well as information about the configuration
of the board.

1) The only basic guideline (aside from the registration terms) is Have Fun.

2) To conserve bandwidth and disk space, private messages in the boxes
are limited to 50.

3) You can use remote linked avatars or one from the gallery.
Gallery avatar size is up to 100x100. Remote avatar size is limited to
140x140 and is resized while keeping the aspect ratio
if the dimensions are larger but only if the file is less than 50k.

Uploading of avatars is allowed but may not work properly.

5) As of 7/30/05 no more guest privs. Registered users keep forgetting to login when they post something and spam posts have cropped up.

6) There is broad latitude for discussions just please feel free to disagree
without being disagreeable.

7) The post number counter has been removed to discourage "spam"
posts to increase the post count. Ranks are silly titles created just for
fun. Once your rank becomes Charlie Brown, if you want a custom
rank then just request it via email.

Current Ranks: (as of June 3, 2007)
Lost In Jet Lag
Wide Awake
Tokyo Insomniac
Sleepless in Tokyo
Lost In Tokyo
Alone in Kyoto
Stocking Lipper
Evelyn Waugh
Tokyo Denizen
Park Hyatt Regular
LIT Super Fan
Ikebana Fan
Mr. Kazu
Lounge Singer
Charlie Brown
Japanese Surfer
WooHoo Guy
Suntory Time

8) Default time for the forum is GMT. You can modify this setting in your
profile for your time zone!

9) There are currently 3 different forum templates for you to choose from. The default is subSilver. I would not advise using any other
templates since as the forum has upgraded in releases, the other templates have gotten out of date. So if you use another template
and find problems, go back to subsilver.

10) If you forget your password, try using the board to send you your password or a new one. If that doesn't work email me for help in
getting you a new password. Please do not register a new username.

11) The board profile options should allow you to change your username
if you want to do so. If you cannot then email me and I can change it.

12) Registered users gain access to 2 other hidden forums.

And last but not least, I believe in continuity for like minded members of a
community that wants to share to love of this (and similer) films and am
commited to the ongoing existence of the site and forum. Things change
and people come and go, that's life. But it is my intention for this site to
remain here indefinitely.

13) Addendum 2/25/2007 - Due to recent user issues, it is necessary to incorporate a new policy with regards to deletion of user posts.
You may reasonably edit and delete your posts within the normal and reasonable amounts one would expect when participating in an open forum.

However, once published, the content of the posts belong to this site and the forum and as such mass deletion of one's own posts will not be tolerated.
Such behavior is considered sabatage and damage to the artistic and literate content and value of the forum and is thus expressly forbidden.

Abusers and sabateurs will be banned at Admin discretion and their post content restored at admin discretion.
If you do not agree to this policy then please do not participate in the forum.
Use all reasonable care to protect your identity if you do not want people to know who you are.
You are participating in a forum on whose topic the fellow members are very passionate and enthusiastic about. Please respect the membership and community of this forum in this regards.



Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:51 pm
by Guest
While we certainly welcome new and interested members to the community, I have changed the registration to Admin moderated due to increase number of spam registrations. If you are new and register, expect it to be reviewed within 24 to 48 hours.

NOTE: If your approval has not been sent within the alloted time frame, shoot me an email!

Registering as a real human on the forum.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:11 am
by Guest
While of course we welcome people genuinely interested in the film and the forum, given the number of spammers trying to register, when you fill out you registration maybe add some items that show it's a real person. I'll leave that up to you so as not to give the spammers any hints.

Also 0 post users 3 months or older will be deleted at my discretion.
You can always come back and register again.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 4:27 pm
by Bob_san

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:22 am
by Bob_san
Guidelines have been updated, see item 13.