It's Suntory Time!

Post appearances in the media including print, online, tv, radio, etc. for cast and crew.

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It's Suntory Time!

#1 Post by redleader74 » Wed May 24, 2023 6:30 pm

Although not directly relating to the LiT movie, there are certainly enough tie-in’s in this article: ... 234847426/

Suntory, Sophia….I think that’s more than enough of a tie-in! Not to mention, the artical does actually reference the movie. And I suppose Keanu Reeves is now sorta the real life Bob Harris, ha ha.
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Re: It's Suntory Time!

#2 Post by Emma » Thu May 25, 2023 12:30 am

I love the article! Here's the commercial -- our Bob Harris even makes an appearance! :D

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Re: It's Suntory Time!

#3 Post by Suntory » Thu May 25, 2023 1:39 am

I love it! Keanu and Sofia wow!
The commercial is great.
When Keanu goes into the bar and is talking to people, the guy at the table at 15 seconds looks like one of the
surfers Bob talks to at the party in the apartment! I just went and looked, about 47 min into the movie, the guy who tells Bob last weekend
he went surfing. Since Sofia made the commercial I would not be surprised if she put some people
in that she knew from LIT!

If Keanu is the new Bob Harris, who is the new Charlotte?!?! :lol:

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Re: It's Suntory Time!

#4 Post by redleader74 » Tue May 30, 2023 4:56 pm

I'm big fan of Keanu so I'm just going through in another a-bit-of-a-stretch tie in. There used to be a Japanese restaurant inside the San Francisco Japantown Mall called Fuku Sushi and in their display case was an autographed signture from Keanu during one of his visits. So certainly not having to do with Suntory or LiT but...its Keanu and "Japanese stuff" :D
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I have in fact eaten there back in the early 2010's, but it's since changed owner and is more of a ramen place now.
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