The Early 2000's

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The Early 2000's

#1 Post by redleader74 » Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:19 pm

This year is LiT's 20th anniverssary which is cause for great celebration and reflection. I've always known that my love of LiT isn't necessarily just limited to LiT but also to that time and space....the early 2000's. I wonder how many of you all share in that connection. It was to me, a great time. For one, I was younger :D. But also, we still rented videos at the video store, we didn't have smart phones or phones with cameras. It was also the year that I travelled abroad independently for the first time (France and Italy) and I am also reminded of "internet cafes" that I used on those travels. Internet cafes are all but a think of the past now. What were the early 2000's like for you and do you hold that time with as much fondness as LiT?
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Re: The Early 2000's

#2 Post by TokyoGirl » Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:06 pm

I do! LiT is definitely nostalgic for me, watching it brings back the less fast-paced, less instant, less chronically online society of now (I sound old, so yeah, maybe it's just that I was young!). I haven't been back to Japan since 2009, and I wonder how much it would still feel special to me, if I'd still have that hazy almost indescribable feeling that LiT (and therefore Japan) gave me.
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Re: The Early 2000's

#3 Post by redleader74 » Wed Sep 20, 2023 1:05 pm

Oh, traveling before smartphones/iphones...yes, these devices make traveling so much more convenient and easy now, but there definitely is some nostalgia over the old way of doing things. Also...physically going to the mall for my Christmas shopping! ha ha ha.
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